
Dismantling the rubble of a kindergarten in the de-occupied Kherson region

Dismantling the rubble of a kindergarten in the de-occupied Kherson region - Rise of Ukraine

We pay an exorbitant price for every centimeter of freedom on our land. And when the time comes to hear the stories of de-occupation, we hope that our hearts will withstand it all ❤️‍🩹

On March 9, 2022, the village of Kalynivka in the Kherson region was occupied by the troops of a terrorist country and has been under enemy occupation ever since. 

The Russians military decided to settle in the houses of local residents. And they brought their dirt, destruction and inability to live normally.

When the Ukrainian flag flew over the house of culture on November 9, 2022, the hearts of the locals sang and sighed with the thought “we are at home.” 🇺🇦

On June 6, the festering country decided to strike a vile blow and blew up the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station. It was a real ecocide against all living things. As a result, about 40% of Kalynivka was flooded.

During the humanitarian mission, our team learned about the problems that the locals were facing and did not leave them alone in their misfortune. We immediately started collecting the necessary equipment and gather a team for another mission.

This time we went to restore a kindergarten. Before, children’s laughter could be heard here, but now you can find letters from a Russian soldier here and see how one of the airstrikes destroyed an entire room.

Almost all public places have been destroyed, and now the locals are unable to restore them because they are spending all their energy on rebuilding their own homes. That is why it is very important for everyone who has the opportunity to help Kherson region get back on its feet.

Almost all day, our team, together with the guys from the Liutyi Charitable Foundation, was dismantling furniture, cleaning the premises and preparing the kindergarten for repair.

We have done only a part of the big job, and the community will continue to restore the walls, roof and make repairs.

We are grateful to the Liutyi Charitable Foundation and the Kherson Military Administration for joining us on this path of goodness 💪🏻

Everything will be with Rise 💙💛

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