
Extension of deadline for tender submission RFQ_RU_DK_24_1 for the purchase of computer and office equipment. The deadline for submitting proposals is August 27, 2024

Extension of deadline for tender submission RFQ_RU_DK_24_1 for the purchase of computer and office equipment. The deadline for submitting proposals is August 27, 2024 - Rise of Ukraine

Charity organization «RISE OF UKRAINE» Charity Fund within the framework of the tender for the purchase of computer and office equipment invites legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to submit price offers for the categories of goods specified in the invitation. (It is not written, the invitation attached)

In determining the winner, preference will be given to the tenderer who submitted a proposal in accordance with the instructions contained in this Solicitation and is considered to be the “lowest technically acceptable price proposal”.

The organization reserves the right to cancel bidding at any stage of the tender before the winner is determined.

If your proposal is selected for purchase, you will be asked to issue an invoice for the goods specified in your proposal. If your proposal is submitted as an invoice and is selected for purchase, the organization will pay this invoice.

The prices of the goods must correspond to the prices specified in your offer, price changes are not allowed.Payment is made in the national currency in cashless form.

Offers are accepted until 11:59 p.m. on August 27, 2024 ET to info@riseofukraine.com.

In the subject of the letter, please indicate “Computer and office equipment tender” your company name. Offers must contain the full fixed price, including the cost of delivery to Dnipro and all other costs. Prices must be presented in hryvnias. Offers must remain valid for at least 10 (ten) calendar days after the offer deadline.

Tenderers can submit clarification requests to the email address: info@riseofukraine.com. The deadline for submitting questions is 1:00 p.m. on August 26, 2024 Eastern European Time.

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