
Humanitarian mission to Kramatorsk

Humanitarian mission to Kramatorsk - Rise of Ukraine

“The Resilience Program is a project funded by the European Union and implemented by the NGO ERIM in partnership with the Black Sea Trust, the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting, the Eastern Europe Foundation, the Human Rights House Foundation, and the Human Rights House in Tbilisi. The project aims to strengthen the resilience and effectiveness of war-affected CSOs and civil society actors affected by the war in Ukraine, including independent media and human rights defenders.”

Every city in Ukraine is suffering from the consequences of the aggressor country. Unfortunately, there are cities that live with the sound of air raids and explosions nearby.

Kramatorsk is one of them. 45 kilometers away, our military are fighting fierce battles for Ukraine.

Local residents are in dire need of help, so the Rise of Ukraine team, with the support of the EU Delegation to Ukraine, went there with a humanitarian mission.

127 essential kits, including food and hygiene products, were delivered to those in need. There are still children in the city who have not been neglected: 55 sets with stationery, toys and goodies have found new happy little owners.

We thank this small outpost for holding on every day of this war and giving hope, strength and inspiration to everyone else for a bright peaceful future.

Everything will be with Rise!!!!

“This publication has been prepared within the framework of the project “Emergency Support to Civil Society and Media in Response to the War in Ukraine” with the assistance of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Rise of Ukraine and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.”

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