
KIDDSVIT wizards of the New Year’s holiday Rise of Ukraine

KIDDSVIT wizards of the New Year’s holiday Rise of Ukraine - Rise of Ukraine

Being the best friends of kids for over 26 years is the main goal of KIDDSVIT 🫶🏻

They, like no one else, know the cherished wishes of children and know how to fulfil them. After all, during their work, they found the most modern toys around the world and did everything to get them into the hands of little Ukrainians as soon as possible 🧸🎯

Therefore, the Rise of Ukraine team is especially pleased that a company with such experience and history has joined our New Year’s celebration and donated gifts for it. And very soon, on 25 and 26 December, little IDPs and children affected by the war will receive them 🙌🏻🫶🏻

The KIDDSVIT team and I are working towards the same goal – a happy childhood filled with joy, laughter, new friends and development for the next generation of Ukrainians. After all, our future and the success of the country lies in happy children 👥

We are grateful to the company for not passing by and deciding to become magicians for children on this magical holiday 🎄.

Everything will be with Rise 💙💛

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