
Opportunities for IDPs: where and how to get support?

Opportunities for IDPs: where and how to get support? - Rise of Ukraine

When you are forced to leave everything you have gained through hard work to save your life and stay safe, it is very difficult to start from the beginning.

Thanks to charitable initiatives by leading training courses, developers and foundations, every IDP has a chance to start building a new future. We have collected opportunities for IDPs to get financial assistance and continue their own business.

1. Business development grant from the International Humanitarian Organisation Mercy Corps up to USD 1500.

The programme is open to IDPs currently residing in Dnipropetrovska oblast who wish to become entrepreneurs and increase their income through business.

The criteria to be met by an applicant are as follows:

– experience in running a business;

– understanding of the sales market and customer flow;

– ability to bring their idea to life;

– social or financial vulnerability;

– a clear argumentation of why the grant is needed;

– a business idea that meets the terms and objectives of the programme;

– realism and sustainability of the business idea.

The average amount of assistance is USD 1,500 in UAH at the NBU exchange rate. The final amount of the grant will depend on the activities and needs of the individual.

This programme to support Ukraine’s economic resilience will help people start a new life in a new place and support those who have been forced to leave everything behind in difficult circumstances.

To apply for the programme, please follow the link: https://uerp.mercycorps.org/about/NWaZmOPQ.

2. UAH 150,00 to support their own business.

The international charitable organisation SOS Children’s Villages Ukraine provides an opportunity for IDP entrepreneurs to continue working to ensure the future of their children.

Who can get help?

IDP families with children who live and/or are registered in one of 5 regions: Poltava, Kyiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, and Lviv regions. And who have a registered individual entrepreneur or have the opportunity to open one within a month.

More than 100 projects, which means that more than 100 families will be able to get a chance to build a brighter future for their children and help Ukraine’s economic development.

To apply for the programme, please follow the link: https://sos-ukraine.org/nasha-robota/shho-robymo/programa-cash-assistance/.

3. The Banderolka app is a small assistant for IDPs and volunteers that helps them find someone nearby who needs help or ask for it.

Each request can be sorted by category, as well as add a photo and limit the radius of assistance using geolocation. This allows volunteers across Ukraine to help those in their neighbourhood. Anyone can help by clicking on the “accept request” button and specifying the details by calling the specified number.

Every day, unfortunately, there are more and more IDPs, and it is very good that large organisations have the opportunity to help them start a new life and support those who have been left without anything.

There is no need to be shy,so  take part in such great initiatives. In any case, it is an experience and a chance to build a new future.

Everything will be with Rise 💙💛

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